Google’s Chromecast and WiFi issues WiFi around the home can sometimes be an issue, we’ve all faced it. Most of the time restarting your router fixes the issue and then you’re back online. This isn’t the case however for some users with the Google Chromecast devices. Google has admitted to a bug in the Chromecast devices which causes issues on a WiFi network. This occurs when waking from sleep mode i.e. preparing to cast from a device to your TV. A packet flood occurs across the network, sending thousands of requests to your router. For a basic router without many smarts, this will cause issues with the connection. Disruptions and slowness can occur when you try to Cast to Chromecast or other Google and Android devices on the same network. Routers manufacturers confirmed to be susceptible to this issue include TP-Link, ASUS, Linksys, Netgear and Synology. As always, it’s a good idea to keep your firmware updated on your router. In most cases you can find an update option after logging into your router. However if you are unsure of how to do this, contact the manufacturer. Will there be a fix for this Chromecast bug? The answer is yes. The root cause of the problem has already been determined and will be released as a Google Play services update. Users can expect that this patch will hit devices soon if it has not already. For those of you who haven’t received the update patch, the APK is available for download.